Hear ye, hear ye! As the calendar turns to the year of our Lord, 2025, the first gathering of this noble assembly shall commence anon, and thou art invited to take the reins! Yea, good folk, the gallant Dojo fellowship shall gather ’round the fabled Table of Rounds to discourse upon the matters thou dost present.

But hark! The merriment doth not end there. The most splendid query or topic proffered by the audience shall be deemed worthy of a grand prize. This princely reward includeth a bounteous collection of fine cigars from the venerable houses of Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust, Foundation, Joya, Black Star Line, Room101, and others of renown. Moreover, the victor shall claim a coveted Squishy Sensei and a freshly forged Dojo Xikar Xi2 cutter, treasures fit for a sovereign.

Come forth and join the revelry, for thine wit and wisdom may yet claim thee this glorious bounty!

This week’s prize pack features 20 cigars, a cutter and a Squishy Sensei. No your eyes do not decieve you that is a Strike Force Test Blend included in the prize.

Showtime: 9PM Eastern 01-03-2025
Episode: 452

JR CigarSmoke Night LIVE is brought to you by JR Cigar – the world’s largest cigar store. Smoke Night LIVE is also brought to you by Espinosa Premium Cigars. Watch this episode LIVE on the Cigar Dojo Facebook, YouTube or X page. You can also interact with the show by commenting on the live video feed.

Get ready DOJONATION, Friday night is Smoke Night!

Smoke Night LIVE is the late night live cigar show.

  • Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
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