Cigar Dojo Mission Statement – To create a world-class cigar media outlet via digital media i.e., website and the Cigar Dojo app.It is our goal to create the most engaging website and smartphone app for cigar smokers. The Cigar Dojo is a HONEST BROKER we are privately owned and are not owned by any cigar retailer, manufacturer, or any other cigar business. The Cigar Dojo is owned and operated by cigar lovers, for cigar lovers!
It is our goal to be the social “hub” for cigar smokers around the world. The Cigar Dojo is seeking advertising partners to help fund the rapid growth of this venture as well as add new exiting features and events for our members.
The Cigar Dojo offers complete advertising packages that span both of our major products: website & app. If you would like to take a look at our media kit please contact us.