Cigar of the Year Awards 2023
Cigar Dojo’s selections for the best-performing cigars of 2023. This list includes the Top 20 Cigars of the Year, as well as Exceptional Awards for other noteworthy cigars, manufacturers, factories, and more.
Top 20
No. 1
PapaSaka No. 2
Goldie No. 5 No. 3
Metapa Claro No. 4
Epicure Habano No. 5
Illusione Habano No. 6
Perdomo 30th SG No. 7
Angel Cuesta No. 8
Tatuaje 20th No. 9
Rare Fusion No. 10
Murcielago de Oro No. 11
Aladino LE No. 12
Cosecha 151 No. 13
Aniversario No. 14
Summa No. 15
La Aurora 120 No. 16
LLTQ No. 17
Krakatoa No. 18
J. Tobacconaut No. 19
AVO Winter No. 20
The Lunar
PapaSaka No. 2
Goldie No. 5 No. 3
Metapa Claro No. 4
Epicure Habano No. 5
Illusione Habano No. 6
Perdomo 30th SG No. 7
Angel Cuesta No. 8
Tatuaje 20th No. 9
Rare Fusion No. 10
Murcielago de Oro No. 11
Aladino LE No. 12
Cosecha 151 No. 13
Aniversario No. 14
Summa No. 15
La Aurora 120 No. 16
LLTQ No. 17
Krakatoa No. 18
J. Tobacconaut No. 19
AVO Winter No. 20
The Lunar
Exceptional Awards
Under the Radar
Rosewood 1923 Value-Priced
Volstead VO Luxury
Aniversario No. 1 Person
Steve Saka Brand
Rosewood 1923 Value-Priced
Volstead VO Luxury
Aniversario No. 1 Person
Steve Saka Brand
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