Davidoff first shocked the premium cigar world in 2013 with the introduction of the black-banded Davidoff Nicaragua cigar, showcasing a Nicaraguan puro blend that would be handled by the company’s usual factory in the Dominican Republic. The theme of working outside the brand’s wheelhouse—in terms of tobacco blending—continued in 2015 and 2016 with the Davidoff Escurio and Davidoff Yamasá lines, respectively. Together, along with a tweaked version of the Nicaragua (Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed), the cigars make up what is now referred to as the Black Band Collection.

For 2022, the company is releasing the first new blend in the collection in four years: Davidoff Black Band Limited Edition 2022. This follows the Davidoff Florida Selection 2018 Limited Edition, as well as the Davidoff Culebras Limited Edition of 2017, where each of the three primary blends in the series were showcased in a braided culebra format.

Davidoff Black Band Limited Edition 2022 cigar blend breakdown


Davidoff now takes a more direct approach to the combination of these three cigars, aiming to showcase the signature elements of each cigar in one. This includes an Ecuadorian wrapper, Brazilian seco binder, and fillers of the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Brazil. Davidoff is not disclosing specifics on the wrapper and binder, though these ingredients somewhat line up with the Escurio’s blend. It is more likely that the influence from each cigar is intended to be found in the filler, where Yamasá represents the Dominican tobaccos, Escurio the Brazilian, and Nicaragua the Nicaraguan leaves.

  • Atlantic Cigar Sale

Davidoff Black Band Limited Edition 2022 brings back familiar marketing language of “water, fire and earth,” representing the intended experiences of the Escurio, Nicaragua, and Yamasá, respectively. This is complete with a new trinity logo that features each of these elements.

The cigars have been rolled in a large 5½” x 58 format so as to accommodate the wide variety of tobaccos throughout the filler. This gran toro is priced at $32 per cigar MSRP, packaged in boxes of 12 cigars. The release is limited to 13,500 boxes worldwide, shipping alongside a unique magnetic sliding ashtray on May 5th.

Davidoff Black Band Limited Edition 2022 cigar box Davidoff Black Band Limited Edition 2022 cigars in box

  • Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
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