The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) has announced that Glynn Loope has officially joined the organization, being hired as the full-time director of state advocacy.
Loope is best known for his work with Cigar Rights of America, operating as the executive director for the past 12 years. In April of 2020, Loope announced his departure from the CRA, taking place on Nov. 4th of that year. One week later, it was announced that he would join the PCA as an advisor.
Loope will now spearhead all state and local advocacy for the PCA in the continued fight against regulatory overreach, increased taxes, and smoking bans.
After more than a decade fighting for the industry, I could not be more pleased than to take everything I have learned and leverage it to the best use possible in fighting for retailers against state and local regulatory overreach. Brick and mortar tobacconists across this country continue to face a deluge of unfair and misguided policies, and I consider it a great honor to fight for all these fine businesses.Glynn Loope, PCA director of state advocacy
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