The Cigar Dojo 2.0 app (aka Dojoverse) now has over 1,000 cigars available for users to check into (1,050 cigars at the time of this posting).

The modern version of the Dojo app was completely redesigned from the ground up as a custom community experience for cigar enthusiasts, including never-before-seen features in the realm of premium cigar platforms, such as the ability to check into cigars. This functionality allows for deeper insight into individual users’ smoking preferences, awarding ninja belts and cigar badges based on activity. Users that smoke large amounts maduro-wrapped cigars will get the “Maduro Maniac” badge; added checkins for limited-edition cigars will earn the “Death of a Unicorn badge; and there are even brand-focused badges, awarding users with a “Protocol Cigars” badge for checking into a certain number of Protocol cigars, for example.

This is made possible by an ever-growing database of cigars, where each cigar’s makeup is tracked on various metrics, including: cigar brand, country of origin, average price, wrapper varietal, wrapper shade, body, production, and whether or not the cigar is infused/flavored.

Needless to say, this is an extremely time-consuming process. When the app first soft launched for a small number of beta testers in late June, there were roughly 400 cigars available for checkin. This has now increased to over 1,000 cigars, which are listed under 150 brands currently. Cigars are added on a daily basis, with an estimated 1,300 more cigars expected to be added within the next six months.

  • Atlantic Cigar Sale

Sign up at today and begin earning your black belt and amassing a collection of cigar badges.

  • Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
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