UPDATE: This contest is now over. The winner was picked using a random generator LIVE on the air during Friday night’s episode of Smoke Night LIVE. The winner was Tranced_26. Congrats! And have fun at the 2016 Great Smoke!!
The Dojo is giving away tickets for two to this years “The Great Smoke” which is bigger and better than ever before. Enter to win one base ticket and one companion ticket simply by answering the following question on the Dojo app, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Google+…
I want tickets to the Great Smoke because ________
Make sure to include the hashtag #TheGreatSmoke with your entry to be eligible. The winner will be announced tonight (02-05-2016) on Smoke Night LIVE with special guest Abe Dababneh.
Please enter only if you have the ability to attend The Great Smoke which is February 20th and is in S. Florida. Contest entries will be taken up until 7PM eastern time February 5th 2016.
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