UPDATE: this contest is over. Based on this contest the ol’ USA is still in good hands as we saw plenty of firepower from DOJONATION. The winner’s of the contest were picked live and at random on Smoke Night LIVE. Congrats to Adam Koenig who won the grand prize and Rob_RC and jmoore04 who won the runner up prizes.
You may be reading the title of this post thinking, “There’s a new Dogma cigar?!”, or possibly, “Where’s Gunwood USA?”, but most likely you’e saying, “Please shut up and tell us how to win Dogma cigars…” Well that’s exactly what I intend to do!
This week’s contest is a little out of the ordinary. You see, typically our contests are sponsored by cigar manufacturers, cigar retailers, and occasionally Cigar Dojo’s own humidor… But this week we’re stepping into uncharted territory, bringing you, the cigar-crazed community, a taste of fiction!
That’s right, a close friend of the Dojo, Gordon Carroll, has published his 1st novel – GUNWOOD USA, and we’d like to share it with you! Gordon Carroll served as a US Marine for 8 years and currently is a local K9 Officer with over 29 years of service (18 as a K9 Officer). Using personal experiences from a long and exciting career, Carroll now introduces his first Mystery Thriller, GUNWOOD USA –
Check out GUNWOOD USA now for sale on Amazon!
Contest theme – Flash your guns and cigars
We’ve witnessed a lot of posts on Cigar Dojo over the past couple years (over 1 million!) and we feel it’s safe to say we know what you like to post: cigars, booze, guns, and motor vehicles. Therefore this contest is an absolute no-brainer! In honor of our good friend’s first novel, we want to see your guns and cigar pairings!
Along with your contest entry on the Dojo app, we’re including special ways to earn extra credit this week. We need your help to get this book at the top of the charts Dojo! In addition to Tweeting, Instagram-ing, and Facebook-ing, we’re giving extra entry points to anyone that rates GUNWOOD USA with 5 stars and/or reviews the book on Amazon!
Don’t own a gun? Get creative! Make your own gun etc… find a way to enter this epic contest!Warning: Cigar Dojo does not assume responsibility for injuries or accidents caused by this contest – Enter at your own risk
How to enter
Make a post on the Cigar Dojo app that shows your “guns and cigars” and make sure to include the hashtag #GUNWOODUSA.
Note: Contest entries should be new, i.e. created for this contest. Any mention of Cigar Dojo in your entry pictures is encouraged – i.e. Cigar Dojo cards, drawings, computer screens, etc…
Be creative! We love to see interesting cigar pictures, use a cool camera effect, angle, filters, lenses, and lighting! Anything to make your image stand out.
An example of an entry might be as follows….
At Cigar Dojo, we are very thankful and appreciative of our members, and we want to pass on the appreciation in the form of free cigars! This week’s contest will run from Wednesday, September 24th at 4PM (MDT) and will end Friday, September 26th at 5PM (MDT). The winners will be announced on Friday night or Saturday morning on the Cigar Dojo app.
So let’s get started shall we?
And the PRIZES are….
Bundle of Drew Estate Undercrown Dogma cigars
This is it Dojo, you finally have one more chance at the ultra-rare, completely-sold-out Cigar Dojo Commemorative Undercrown Dogma cigars! Our 1st place winner this week will receive a new, sealed bundle of these special cigars. Drew Estate is known for making some of the finest and most sought-after cigars in the world, including the Liga Privada Unico Series, the rare “pig” vitola cigars, and now, the Undercrown Dogma. This special blend is the only box-pressed Liga ever produced and incorporates a similar blend to the legendary Corona ¡Viva! blend, using an extra dose of that powerful Ligero tobacco. Reviews of the Undercrown have described the cigar as “incredibly rich“, “sweet and syrup like“, “great construction“, “Box Worthy“, and “the richest and sweetest Mexican San Andreas I have had“.
This may be your last chance to secure a bundle of Undercrown Dogma cigars!Cigar Dojo T-shirt and 2 Dogma cigars
Two second place winners this week will also receive Dogma cigars. Each second prize winner will go home with a slick, new Cigar Dojo T-shirt and two Undercrown Dogma cigars! (Shirt may not be style in image)
NOTE: This week’s winners will be picked at random as a drawing accumulated from all entries. Entries and extra credit will add to your total entries into the contest, giving you a better shot at being picked.
Post your entries on the Cigar Dojo App and include the hashtag #GUNWOODUSA
Entries are limited to 2 per day so make them count!
When you post your entry image in our cigar app, you are officially entered into this weeks contest! Simple eh? By posting an entry you are agreeing to the contest rules which are as follows:
Create your own status update for Twitter or Facebook and earn extra credit
This week only: Show your review and/or rating of GUNWWOD USA on Amazon for extra entries into the contest.Want to help out the Dojo? Post your entries on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (as well as Cigar Dojo of course) and try to include these four elements:
An example might be….
Showing off my guns and cigars for a chance 2 win some Undercrown Dogma cigars! @CigarDojo @gordoncarroll https://cigardojo.com/?p=14811 #GUNWOODUSA
Reading #GUNWOODUSA while smoking a cigar and cleaning my guns! @CigarDojo @gordoncarroll enter the contest here - https://cigardojo.com/?p=14811
Short Link: