What is the best Thanksgiving Day side dish? What is the best celebratory cigar? What is the best non-alcoholic drink to pair with a cigar? The answer to these questions are a few of our favorite things. We will answer these questions and many, many more on this episode of Smoke Night LIVE along with our our good friend Bob Finley aka Bob the Cigar Guy.

Showtime: 9PM Eastern 01-03-2023
Episode: 399

Also…. we will be giving away a box of 25 El Baton Belicoso from JC Newman. How do you enter? Simply tune in to Friday night’s show and participate via the comments and you will be entered to win.

JR CigarSmoke Night LIVE is brought to you by JR Cigar – the world’s largest cigar store. Smoke Night LIVE is also brought to you by Espinosa Premium Cigars. Watch this episode LIVE on the Cigar Dojo Facebook, or YouTube. You can also interact with the show by commenting on the live video feed.

Get ready DOJONATION Friday night is Smoke Night! Smoke Night LIVE is the late night live cigar show.

  • Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
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