Following the H. Upmann The Banker line from 2014, Altadis USA (parent of H. Upmann) has announced the H. Upmann The Banker Daytrader cigar.

The cigar ties into founder Hermann Dietrich Upmann’s banking background, offering a modern twist with a focus on day trading. This theme is seen throughout the cigar’s packaging, where candlestick charts are repurposed as a design element on the interior and exterior of the cigar’s box.

H. Upmann The Banker Daytrader cigar

“This introduction is part of our plan to expand The Banker line with small productions of specialty cigars from the renowned Grupo De Maestros, of Tabacalera de Garcia in the Dominican Republic,” says Jennifer True, Senior Marketing Director.

“While the world of finance may have changed over time, there’s something that has always remained consistent for H. Upmann, and that is the certainty that being true to innovation means being true to the brand’s DNA,” True says.

  • Atlantic Cigar Sale

Set to begin shipping on or around Tax Day (April 15th), the H. Upmann The Banker Daytrader uses an Ecuadorian wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and fillers from Nicaragua and the DR. The cigars will ship in three sizes, which are packaged in boxes of 10 cigars and priced between $13.49 and $14.19 MSRP per cigar.

This was not the only H. Upmann to be announced during last week’s TPE trade show, being joined by the H. Upmann 1844 Special Edition Barbier.

H. Upmann The Banker Daytrader cigar box closed

  • Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
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