Friday November 6th on Smoke Night LIVE we interview Kyle Gellis from Warped Cigars. We will get the low-down on Kyle’s new Jason~Dumont release under the banner of the Proprietary Cigar Co. which is a subsidiary of the Warped brand. The stated goal of Proprietary Cigar Co. is to create cigars that are outside “the normality of Warped” and we will find out exactly what that means on this episode.

Showtime: 9PM eastern time 11-06-2020.
Episode: 268

Get ready DOJONATION Friday night is Smoke Night! Smoke Night LIVE is the late night live video show.

JR CigarSmoke Night LIVE is brought to you by JR Cigar – the world’s largest cigar store.

Watch this episode LIVE on the Cigar Dojo FACEBOOK page. You can also interact with the show via Facebook by commenting on the video feed. Or you can always ask your question on the Dojo app with hashtag #askdojo and we will answer it on the show.

  • Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
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