Friday, August 30th on Smoke Night LIVE, our guest was scheduled to be Casey Haugen from CRUX Cigars, but he ungraciously cancelled on us at the last moment—clearly an un unprofessional move. In his place, William Cooper (AKA Cigar Coop) will be our guest, as we talk cigar industry secrets and the most underrated rock bands of all time! Make sure to tune in and join the fun on our Facebook LIVE feed.

Showtime: 9PM eastern time 8-30-2019.
Episode: 209

Get ready DOJONATION Friday night is Smoke Night! Smoke Night LIVE is the late night live video show.

JR CigarSmoke Night LIVE is brought to you by JR Cigar – the world’s largest cigar store.

Watch this episode LIVE on the Cigar Dojo FACEBOOK page. You can also interact with the show via Facebook by commenting on the video feed. Or you can always ask your question on the Dojo app with hashtag #askdojo and we will answer it on the show.

  • Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
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