Crux Cigars is all grown up. Five years after debuting with a humble selection of three brands, Crux Cigars is now a prominent name in the craft cigar space, and the company debuted a new look to better showcase the experience it aims to bring to the consumer.

Some would argue, in fact, that the new look is much better suited for the company, as members of Cigar Dojo have not exactly refrained from voicing a particular disdain for the company’s prior look (and slogan, moreover).

“Full disclosure here, I actually, at one point, said that I thought the old branding was ‘horrible.’ […] Deep down inside, I was hurting.” It may not have been the most tactful approach, but these were some of the words spoken by Cigar Dojo interviewer/owner, Eric Guttormson, speaking with Casey Haugen in regards to the company’s new direction. Casey’s characteristically witty response can be seen in the video below.

Crux displayed five cigars with their updated appearance at the trade show: Epicure, Epicure Maduro, Limitada, Guild, and Bull & Bear. Apart from looking significantly more clean and sophisticated, the re-branding offers clever selling options for retailers. Each box of 10 cigars is divided in half; one half displays cigars as singles, while the other showcases a cardboard-style five-pack. Essentially, this creates three unique selling points: 10-count box, five-pack, and singles. Despite there being certain brands missing at the show, the company plans to bring its other lines up to speed throughout the year.

  • Atlantic Cigar Sale

Crux cigars display re-branded IPCPR 2019Crux Limitada re-branded cigars IPCPR 2019Crux Limitada cigars re-branded 5-pack IPCPR 2019Crux Guild cigars re-branded IPCPR 2019Crux Epicure Maduro cigars re-branded IPCPR 2019Crux Epicure cigars re-branded IPCPR 2019Crux Bull & Bear cigars re-branded 5-pack IPCPR 2019Crux Cigars booth IPCPR 2019

  • Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
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